Thursday, January 14, 2010

How to Find a Good Apartment in a Safe Area

Apartment Search in USA
In every city in USA there are several apartments. It becomes very hard to visit each and every one to decide which is good. Here comes some handy tips. is an excellent resource to find an apartment. You get a toll free number to call each apartment. You can search apartments in each city by number of rooms, resident ratings and price range.
This website covers what won't. Before making a decision always check what past residents say about the apartment. Also check the crime rating of the site. We moved once into a good apartment only to find latter that area is infested with high crime. One person was murdered in a near by house. People stared at us oddly when we walked on sidewalks.

So its a two way process. First check the apartment price range, closeness, and amenities on Check resident ratings and crime ratings on apartmentratings. com. gave us $100 card after we moved into the apartment found on their website.

You can do your research online before landing in USA. You can also write email to apartment manager. Sometimes you will get better deals on sublet on You can sublet the apartment at a lower price and then move into a better one as you become familiar with city and area.

If you are in USA for a short period or a student you may look for closeness to office/school, bus stops and grocery stores.

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